OCTOBER 2023 meeting


Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

President Mike Montemurno called to order the regular meeting and on ZOOM of the Delray Villas Plat 4/5 HOA Board of Directors on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at 7:35 PM in the “B“ Building with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for our departed family, friends, neighbors, and service members.


The following Directors were present: Mike Montemurno, Bill Yesowitch, Sheila Lane, Dianne Stevens, Debbie Willson, Alan Rossman, Rick Mancini, Ruth Mirailh, and Hope Greenblatt, Russ Mayer was excused. Don Daughtery has resigned from the board.

Secretary’s Report

Dianne Stevens read the minutes of the September 12, 2023, meeting. The minutes were accepted as corrected from a motion by Rick Mancini and seconded by Alan Rossman. All directors were in favor. Dianne Stevens read a letter from Don Daughtery with his resignation from the board. Letters of intent to run for the HOA board for 2024 were read from Bill Yesowitch, Hope Greenblatt, and Nancy Grasso. A letter of intent to run for the Recreational Board was read from Camille Montemurno.

Treasurer’s Report

Sheila Lane reported there were three homes past due last quarter. One is with the attorney. The treasurer’s report was accepted from a motion by Rick Mancini and seconded by Alan Rossman. All directors were in favor.

Committee Reports

Alliance:  Alan Rossman reported this month is Domestic Violence Month. Abuse is up in senior communities. The PBSO said that accidents were up 6% from last year. Crime is down. Please do not leave valuables in your car and lock your doors. There is a Public Safety Expo on Wednesday, November 1st at the South County Civic Center. Delray Medical Center were at this meeting promoting their cancer care.

Interviews: Bill Yesowitch reported that there were three interviews. All were approved. Year-to-date: we have had 24 sales. 55+: We are required under the HUD statutes to maintain a census of everyone living here on a rolling basis because if HUD should come here, they want to be able to know who’s living here, can do inspections, and could go around homeowner to homeowner. Bill also reported we have some people who have been living in homes for more than 30 days that have not been interviewed. These people must be interviewed. Please let us know so that we can get our records up to date.

Architectural: Alan Rossman reported that 11 applications were reviewed. Ten were approved. One was rejected.

Inspections:  Ruth Mirailh reported that 125 homes have been inspected. Letters are going out. Roofs needing maintenance means they need to be cleaned or replaced. We cannot tell you that you must replace it. The painting or power washing of your homes may be done when weather permits.  

Maintenance, Lakes, & Ponds: Mike reported that everything is good.

Roads and FPL Lights: Rick Mancini reported that the roads are good.  Of the 5 FPL lights out last month, two were fixed. One has problems because of no power going to that light.

Lollipops and Carriage Lights: Rick Mancini reported that there were 10 lollipops/carriage lights out. He is available to give you help.

Rec Board: Pat Lazaroff reported that the next Rec Board meeting is next Wednesday, October 18, 2023. New Year’s Eve is scheduled to be in “A” Building. All the upcoming events are in the Rec News.

Welcoming Committee: Pat reported that all the homes have been done but two.

Distribution: Harvey Lazaroff reported that everything is fine. We still need volunteers to fill in when someone is unable to deliver the Plat Chat.

That’s What Friends Are For:  Noel Gordon reported that there were no hurricanes, which is good.  We have 18 people who have signed up to help when needed.

Citizens on Patrol: No report.

Website, 590, and 591: Alan Shwartz reported all is good. The new computer is working fine. There was a slight software glitch but that was straightened out. There were 23 people on Zoom that night.

Plat Chat: Hope Greenblatt reported that the Plat Chat committee has a new publisher, Todd Stevenson, who has done a great job on the October’s edition of Plat Chat.  We still need articles and volunteers.

We Care: Paul Mirsky reported that all was quiet this month.

Old Business

Landscaping: Mike reported that the appearance of our lawns in this community has not been satisfactory. We have started to get quotes from new landscaping companies. We are not getting the product that we are paying a quarter of a million dollars a year for. However, it is not the cost; it is the service.

Parking: No parking on roads and swells on Dusenburg and LaSalle Roads. No blocking roads or sidewalks. Vehicles parking on side streets is better but make sure you park with two wheels on the grass.  We will be going around with stickers again.

HOA Fees: HOA fees are going up to $714/quarter starting in January.

Power Washing: Todd will be starting up power washing again soon.

New Business

Law Firms: Mike reported that we are in the process of interviewing law firms. We are negotiating with companies as to which one we will go with.

Breezeline: Breezeline has a new product. It is Google App Streaming. The Board is presently trying it out. It looks quite good. It is newer technology. You will have a smaller remote and smaller box. There is no additional cost and installation will be very easy.

Homeowners Bill of Rights: Mike reported that there is a new state implemented homeowner’s Bill of Rights.  We already comply with most of what is required. You will now get the agenda of the next board meeting. We will also need to ask now for written consent to obtain your email addresses.

Candidates running for office: The candidates who are running for the HOA board are Bill Yesowitch, Russ Mayer, and Hope Greenblatt. We also have two open seats for Debbie Willson and Don Daugherty. The one Rec Board candidate running is Camille Montemurno.

HOA Vote Now: Sheila and Dianne will be overseeing the voting. A letter of instructions and bio’s will be mailed to your home if you do not want to vote electronically. Only one vote per household.

Good and Welfare:  Good and welfare began at 8:25pm

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm with a motion from Sheila Lane and seconded by Ruth Mirailh.

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