Reorganization Meeting Minutes of December 18, 2023


The Reorganization Meeting began at 8:02pm. Seeing there were no elections for the board directors this year, Sheila Lane made one vote for the three board members remaining on the board and the two new board members. The Rec Board member elected was Camille Montemurno. Immediately following this the Board prepared to elect Officers for its 2024 term. The reorganization meeting is an open meeting as directed by state law. The Treasurer opened the reorganization meeting for the election of the Executive Board Officers due to the absence of the Secretary.


Treasurer Sheila Lane opened the election of officers requesting nominations for President. On a motion from Bill Yesowitch and seconded by Alan Rossman, Mike Montemurno is nominated for the office of President.  Mike stated he would accept the position if elected.  Hearing no further nominations, Mike Montemurno is unanimously elected President.  


President Montemurno took over the election process and requested nominations for Vice President. On a motion from Sheila Lane and seconded by Rick Mancini, Bill Yesowitch is nominated for the office of Vice President. Bill stated that he would accept the position if elected.  Hearing no further nominations, Bill Yesowitch is unanimously elected Vice President.


President Montemurno requested nominations for Treasurer. On a motion from Bill Yesowitch and seconded by Ruth Mirailh. Sheila Lane was nominated for the office of Treasurer. Sheila stated that she would accept the position if elected.  Hearing no further nominations.  Sheila Lane is unanimously elected Treasurer.


President Montemurno requested nominations for Secretary. On a motion from Bill Yesowitch and seconded by Rick Mancini, Dianne Stevens is nominated for the office of Secretary.  Dianne Stevens stated through a letter to the board that she would accept the position if elected.  Hearing no further nominations.  Dianne Stevens is unanimously elected Secretary.


The reorganizational meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm from a motion by Rick Mancini and seconded by Ruth Mirailh.


Submitted by:


Dianne Stevens, Secretary





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